Friday, April 15, 2011

project proposal

1. Start Research
2.  Collect Supplies (camera, Flip camera& pictures)
3. Take Pictures
4. Select Background Music
5. Start Video
6. Edit Video
7. Put Everything Together (video clips, audio & pictures)
8. Finish & Turn In Rough Cut

master reasearch notes

Master Artist: Hal Riney
Decade Influential: 1980's
Three World Events that were happening around the time this artist was most influential:
  1. The collapse of traditional Communism and the end of the Cold War.
  2. The start of computer age, birth of IBM PC.
  3. The age of video games in arcades. (space invaders and Pac Man)
Work Artist Is Best Known For:
T.V commercials for Ronald Regan's 1984 Presidential Re-Election campaign. 

Artist Creative Process:
Making a storyboard, taking pictures, start shooting and then last make edits. 

Camera and Video camera.

Artist Innovation:
What this artist did that was innovating was that he first planned out everything he wanted to do then he started his project. Other artist do no take their time to plan out what they want they just go straight into their project.